#PlumeStrong and the cycling challenge history
#PlumeStrong began during the early days of the pandemic as an action-oriented initiative.
Today, the company serves their global community through the #PlumeStrong initiative—their social impact balance sheet— committed to making a material impact across five pillars:
In March of 2020, when there was uncertainty and fear around Covid-19, we created an internal challenge—“Go the Distance for Social Distance”—to help stay physically and mentally healthy. This was both our primary defense against the virus and our social responsibility contribution. Over a 2-week period, 62 Plumians moved almost 5.000 km on foot, rode over 5.000 km on bikes, and recorded over 880 active days (with 30+ min of activity).
After the success of our #PSCC21 ride, we came back with our #PSCC22 and #PSCC23 editions – every next edition being more challenging for our riders.